Thanks for all your uplifting comments on my "being in a funk post"!! As always I really appreciate them and I will hopefully answer your questions this weekends!!!
One of my friends listened to a program on NPR that suggested we should try to describe our life in 6 I don't know about you but there is no way I could sum my life up or who I am in 6 words...but here are 6 words that I think are important to keep in mind!

Which gets me to thinking........
While at work the other day....I was complaining of crawling out of my skin because of the ongoing COLD and she said "this happens every year."
Well....clearly it does! And I need to remember this and just accept it! You don't get to do life over again {at least I don't think we do} and it's important to accept the lows just as much as I enjoy the highs!! They are all parts and pieces of our life!!!
So there you have it!!!
Just try and go with the flow of life.....there will be ups and there will be downs...
And during the down times....stop and appreciate all that you have!!!
Now for the the food:)
Trust me I desperately want to move into fresh and springy recipes...but I am still cold and so am still making lots of soups!
Oh and here's a thought...
Even when your in a funk and maybe not working out like you should....don't beat yourself up but do try to keep healthy in your eating!! It will make you feel better! At least I think so:)
Tuscan White Bean Soup
Inspired by a recipe from Live..Love..Eat!Chop up...
white onions
I used about a 1/4 cup of each
Then saute it all with a little bit of olive oil....While that's sauteing...chop up some kale and rinse it...
Then open up 2 cans of white beans and throw them in a crock pot with the kale, sauteed veggies
and vegetable broth.I used Smart Life Italian Soy Sausages chopped up as my sausage but your could use whatever you like and trust me.....
This soup is healthy, filling and was DELICIOUS!!Even though I more than ready for some salads and grilled veggies.....soup is all that will warm me up .....oh and can't forget about the vino!! That always makes me feel warm and fuzzy!!
Have a happy weekend!!!! It is a weekend of love after all:)
"Happy people roll with the punches. They know from experience that
everything changes. Today's good fortune may vanish tomorrow,
today's crises may turn out to be tomorrow's good fortune." Unknown
I love that saying:) I have a little sign in my house with it on it.
ReplyDeleteMy honey has had a cold for weeks. I can't remember the last time I could actually kiss him on the mouth. I miss kissing...hehe:) Have a great weekend.
I so agree with you - make the best of every situation! You only live once - why waste a second??? I love it!
ReplyDeleteNow if I could only live that way all of the time : ) Baby steps, we will all get there.
The soup looks delicious, and perfect for cold weather! That is one good thing about the cold winters - lots of yummy hearty soups and chili's : )
I think I have decided on the jewelry : )
Happy friday!
ReplyDeleteLove your 6 words "perfect"
oh and the soup looks super yummy too!
Oh sure - now I feel bad about my post today. But you are right it's the midwest and it happens every year. I don't usually complain but this week was just so HARD! And we have more SNOW on the way.
ReplyDeleteBut I'm going to remember it's always nice to curl up with the pups on the couch with a good book when it's snowing outside.
Yesterday, I felt like if I saw one more snow bank, I would pack up and move to Florida! I've come off the ledge a little today, but am still close. Why do I live here again? I always forget in February :) Enjoy your weekend!!!
ReplyDeleteI love that saying. Can't remind ourselves of that enough!
ReplyDeleteFunny, I saw the recipe name and knew it sounded familiar then saw my name. Hah. So glad you were inspired. Your version looks wonderful. I need to do more kale!
glad you are feeling better. I know what you mean though. when I lived in South Bend I REALLY struggled, with the cold and darkness. I bet I would have felt better if I had a friend like you. :)
ReplyDeleteThe pictures for this recipe look amazing. I agree with you completely, about watching what you eat. I have been in a HUGE no gym funk but I am trying not to eat like a crazy woman because that will only make matters worse.
Hope you and your hubby have a great weekend!
Thanks for the words of wisdom. Sometimes I revert back taking granted some of my good fortune.
ReplyDeleteSmart Girl!! Great advice!
ReplyDeleteGot your note..if you'll just send me your addy on a comment, it comes to me for approval. won't be published at all.
Think Happy!! :)